Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Grind to Death 3.0

Welcome to Grind to Death's new overhaul, sadly for me all these little tweaks have consumed hours of my time, however I have learnt many things. I am sure the first thing you noticed was the new logo which has replaced the original header. This was entirely created by me using a combination of two wonderful programs, Paint.net and Pixlr. Although this is a musical blog, I must say that these two programs are highly recommended if anyone wants to do any graphical work, the first is a desktop program which is free and the second is a amazing web based service, both come highly recommended as Paint Shop Pro alternatives. The logo looks very black metal like, which is ironic since the blog is not black metal orientated, however the visual themes used in black metal are very appealing to myself. The only image that has a purpose are the Capricorn which represent myself being a Capricorn, everything else is there only to make it look nice(I hope).
 Another change I have implemented is that there is only one post per page, as I usually elaborate my posts with images, hyperlinks and videos, it has a high amount of data, I would like to keep this anti-minimalist feature rich Blog, but I don't wont to make it a burden on my viewers, so by limiting it to one post per page it optimises the site to only relay the relevant material and features and no dead weight information.
The Navbar has made a return, to be honest I don't even remember getting rid of it, must of done it by accident somehow.
Other change in features include a search bar, and a tag cloud instead of a tag list, as the list was starting to get too long, I have also removed the label sphere, although it was my favourite feature it seemed to have stopped functioning and I can't fix it.
All in all html coding and JavaScript coding are royal pain in the assess, hope you guys like the alterations, feel free to complain, if need be.

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